Saturday, September 04, 2021

The Great Bakeoff 4, pastry

 savory canapés, one choux pastry, one pastry based, one anything

savoury eclairs, I think the coronation chicken sounds good :-D Chicken curry ;-)

Ratatouille tart

Avocado blinis

Technical challenge: Charlotte Royale

I am really good at making charlottes, but really, really bad at making swiss rolls :-D Mine always break.

Showstopper: Opera

biscuit joconde, buttercream, ganache... it's very sweet, so I understand the classical flavor of dark chocolate and coffee. But I don't like the bitterness. So... what to use to fight the sweetness of the buttercream, joconde, white ganache? Lemon? Lemon and blueberries? Make a white Opera cake with blueberries. Like the Finnish flag :-D

maybe use this lemon blueberry cheesecake cake as base. I can imagine the cheesecake filling would work to counterbalance the sweetness. 

Though this creamsicle opera cake sounds delicious, too...

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